Product Updates

Import NPM packages, improved tabs, oauth2, SSO, and a much faster desktop app!

How quickly time passes by! It seems like only a moment ago we were ringing in the new year of 2023, and here we are in February 2024 already. We sincerely hope your year has kicked off wonderfully, and we're thrilled to catch you up on the latest happenings at Testfully. Just a short while back, I shared a glimpse into Testfully's 2024 roadmap, and now, I'm even more excited to reveal the first set of updates we've rolled out in January 2024.

Written by Matt Valley
Published On Sun Feb 04 2024
Last Updated Sun Feb 04 2024

How quickly time passes by! It seems like only a moment ago we were ringing in the new year of 2023, and here we are in February 2024 already. We sincerely hope your year has kicked off wonderfully, and we’re thrilled to catch you up on the latest happenings at Testfully. Just a short while back, I shared a glimpse into Testfully’s 2024 roadmap, and now, I’m even more excited to reveal the first set of updates we’ve rolled out in January 2024.

Important announcement

To continue delivering the best possible experience to our users, we’ve made the difficult decision to stop offering the Free Cloud plan and the Free Testfully Offline version. We’ve addressed this decision in two separate blog posts:

We understand that this decision may be disappointing to some users, and we’re here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to reach out to us at

Import npm packages in Testfully Scripts

Available with a Plus subscription or Testfully Offline license

Screenshot of importing Lodash NPM package in Testfully

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use your favorite npm packages in Testfully Scripts? Well, now you can! We’ve added support for importing npm packages in Testfully Scripts, so you can use your favorite npm packages in your scripts. What’s even better is that you don’t need to manage a package.json file or run npm install to use npm packages in Testfully Scripts. You can simply import the package, and start using it in your scripts. Check the Using npm packages page for more information.

Tabs just got better

Tabs are a core part of the Testfully experience, and we’re always looking for ways to make them better. Here are a few improvements we’ve made to tabs:

  • A request, folder or environment has a lot of information, organized in tabs. When you go back and forth between requests, folders or environments, the active tab of each item is now preserved, so you don’t have to open them again.

  • Each response widget now preserves the active tab, so you don’t have to switch tabs every time you make a request.

Desktop App Improvements

The Desktop app is a very important part of what we do at Testfully. In January, we spent a lot of time reworking the way we ship the desktop app to you. Here are a few improvements we’ve made so far:

A much faster load time

The desktop app now loads much faster than before, thanks to the way we ship the app to you. A process that used to depend on the network to download the app, now happens locally, which means you can start using the app as soon as you click on it.

SSO just got better

Previously, you could get a time-out error when trying to sign in to the desktop app using Single Sign-On, this could happen for many reasons. We’ve reworked the SSO flow to make it more reliable, and you should no longer see the time-out error.

Consistent versioning

It wasn’t uncommon to receive a message from users saying that the host OS says the app is v1.69.0 but the app itself says v1.110.0. We’ve reworked the way we ship updates to you, and the way we version the app, so you should no longer see this inconsistency.

OAuth2 Authorization Improvements

We’ve made a few improvements to the way you work with OAuth2 authorization in Testfully, purely to make your life easier and offer a better user experience when working with OAuth2.

No more custom callback URLs

Most OAuth2 flows require a callback URL, and in the past, you had to add Testfully’s callback URL to your OAuth2 server. This was a bit of a hassle, and we’ve now removed the need for a custom callback URL. You can now have your callback URL, and Testfully’s desktop app will handle the rest. This feature is only available in the desktop app.

No more timeout errors

In the past, you could get a time-out error when trying to authorize an OAuth2 token, this could happen for many reasons. We’ve reworked the OAuth2 flow to make it more reliable, and you should no longer see the time-out error.

Improved integration with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD)

Microsoft Entra ID OAuth2 has a few quirks, and we’ve made a few improvements to the way Testfully works with Microsoft Entra ID, to make getting an OAuth2 token from Microsoft Entra ID easier.

ID Token support

Testfully now displays the ID token in the OAuth2 authorization flow, so you can see the ID token returned by the OAuth2 server.

Postman legacy API support

Testfully already supports most Postman Javascript APIs. To make it easier for you to migrate your Postman collections, we now support the legacy Postman API, so you don’t have to rewrite your scripts to use Testfully. The supported legacy Postman APIs are:

testsThe tests object for writing tests in Postman
postman.setEnvironmentVariableSet value for an environment variable
postman.getEnvironmentVariableGet the value of an environment variable
postman.clearEnvironmentVariableClear value of an environment variable
postman.setGlobalVariableSet value for a global variable
postman.getGlobalVariableGet the value of a global variable
postman.clearGlobalValueClear value of a global variable
postman.getResponseHeaderGet a list of response headers for the current request
responseBodyresponse body object for the current request
responseCoderesponse code object for the current request
responseHeadersresponse headers object for the current request

Bug Fixes

Fixing bugs goes hand in hand with improving user experience, so we doubled down on fixing bugs in January. Here are a few bugs we fixed:

  • Fixed a bug where the Testfully Desktop app would be unable to get the OAuth2 token for some users and would show an Internal Error message.
  • Fixed an issue where the response widget was not displaying the response body in Firefox.
  • Curl commands with escaped quotes in the request body are now correctly imported into Testfully.
  • Some Postman Collection 2.0 and 2.1 requests with Url-encoded payload were not imported into Testfully due to a bug in the Postman Collection parser. This issue has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where Form-data requests with empty files were not imported into Testfully from Postman.
  • Testfully Offline users could not save changes to their multi-step requests. This issue has been fixed.
  • Menu for a multi-step request was not fully visible when the request payload tab was selected. This issue has been fixed.

We want to hear from you

Continuous improvement shall remain our focus for the rest of the year, and February is no different. We’re committed to making Testfully better, and we need your help to do that. If you have spare 30 minutes, we’re looking for users to participate in a user research study. If you’re interested, please drop me an email at

Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy the updates we’ve shipped in January. We’re excited to share more updates with you in February, so stay tuned!

Comments, Questions, or Feedback? Post it here!


Testfully is a bootstrapped startup from Sydney, Australia.
We're funded by our supportive & amazing customers.

The word `testfully` is a registered trademark of Testfully Pty Ltd.