Blog / Testfully

Testfully's Roadmap for 2024: Enhancing Your API Experience

As we stride into 2024, I wanted to take a moment to share with all of you — our valued users, partners, and supporters — the exciting journey ahead for Testfully. Our mission has always been to simplify your API experience, and this year, we're doubling down on that commitment. Let’s dive into our roadmap for 2024, which focuses on making Testfully not just a tool but a partner in your API journey.

Written by Matt Valley
Published On Tue Jan 30 2024
Last Updated Tue Jan 30 2024

Hello Testfully Community,

As we stride into 2024, I wanted to take a moment to share with all of you — our valued users, partners, and supporters — the exciting journey ahead for Testfully. Our mission has always been to simplify your API experience, and this year, we’re doubling down on that commitment. Let’s dive into our roadmap for 2024, which focuses on making Testfully not just a tool but a partner in your API journey.

1. Elevating Product Stability and Ease of Use

Your feedback is our compass, and it’s clear that a smooth, bug-free experience is paramount. This year, we’re dedicating substantial resources to enhance the stability of Testfully. Expect a faster, more reliable app that feels intuitive from the first click. Our team is hard at work refining the user interface to make it more user-friendly, ensuring that Testfully isn’t just a powerful tool, but a delight to use, regardless of your expertise level.

2. Revamping Our API Client

We’re thrilled to announce several enhancements to our API Client:

  • New Authorization Schemes: Security is key in API interactions, and we’re introducing additional authorization methods to keep your data safe and your connections seamless.
  • Improved Auto-Generated Documentation: Say goodbye to hours spent on API documentation. Our improved auto-generated docs will be more comprehensive and easier to understand.
  • Web Socket and gRPC Support: We’re expanding our horizons! Support for Web Socket and gRPC is on its way, broadening your capabilities in real-time communication and high-performance scenarios.
  • Enhanced GraphQL Support: We’ve heard your requests loud and clear. Enhanced GraphQL support is coming, making your interactions with GraphQL APIs smoother than ever.
  • Cookie Management: Handling cookies is a piece of cake with our improved cookie management features, ensuring a seamless and efficient API testing experience.

3. Taking API Testing to the Next Level

Our commitment to no-code API testing remains strong. In 2024, we’re enhancing this feature to make it even more powerful and accessible:

  • Enhanced No-Code Testing: We’re making it easier for non-technical users to create and manage API tests without writing a single line of code.
  • More JavaScript APIs for Testing: For our users who love coding, we’re introducing an expanded set of JavaScript APIs, giving you more flexibility and control over your API tests.
  • Improved Test Reports: We’re making it easier to understand your test results with improved test reports, ensuring you can quickly identify and resolve issues.

4. A New Era of API Monitoring

Monitoring your APIs is crucial, and we’re giving our monitoring interface a complete makeover:

  • Brand New Interface: A fresh, intuitive interface is on its way, making monitoring your APIs easier and more pleasant. Better Integrations: We’re working on integrating Testfully with more of the tools you use daily, streamlining your workflow.
  • Enhanced Alerting: Stay on top of your API’s health with our improved alerting system, ensuring you’re the first to know when something needs your attention.

In closing, 2024 is set to be a landmark year for Testfully. We are more committed than ever to delivering an exceptional product that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Your trust in us fuels our drive to innovate and improve. Let’s make 2024 a year of seamless API experiences!

Warm regards,

Matt, Founder of Testfully

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Testfully is a bootstrapped startup from Sydney, Australia.
We're funded by our supportive & amazing customers.

The word `testfully` is a registered trademark of Testfully Pty Ltd.