Blog / API Testing

What is API Key

In this complete blog about API keys, we will help you understand the concepts of secure web development. You will learn how to obtain, use and manage API keys to make your applications safe. Ideal for developers that want to improve the security of their APIs.

Written by Arman
Published On Thu Jun 03 2021
Last Updated Sat Jun 01 2024

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are one of the main parts of any software system today. As discussed in the What is API article, APIs have developed from simple data exchanges into the main part of the modern digital ecosystem, from cloud computing and mobile apps to online services. To make APIs secure and safe and identify the user or client using them, they use a concept called API Key. In this blog post, I will explain the purpose of API Keys and how to use them.

Understanding API Keys

API keys are important in software development because they are like a secret token that confirms your identity and gives you access to web-based services. They are an important part of API (Application Programming Interface) security because they guarantee that access to features is both permitted and authenticated. Unlike regular login credentials that check who you are, API keys check the identity of the program or project, requesting an API call.

The Function of API Keys

API keys are a simple way to control access to a server. When a client makes an API call, they use a key created by the server to prove they are authorized. This helps the server know that the request is coming from a registered and approved application.

Comparison with Other Authentication Mechanisms

In the world of web services, authentication options are not limited to API keys. JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), OAuth, and Basic Authentication (Basic Auth) are a few others. Because each of these techniques has particular features, usages, and security levels, they are all more or less suitable for different situations. Here’s a comparative chart and an explanation of the ideal situations for each method:

Authentication MethodUse CasesSecurity LevelImplementation Complexity
API KeysAccessing APIs with minimal setupLow to MediumLow
OAuthUser authorization in third-party servicesHighHigh
Basic AuthSimple authentication needsLowVery Low
JWTsStateful sessions, microservicesMedium to HighMedium

Use Cases and Best Practices

  • API Keys: API keys are great for quick and simple server-to-server communication to access APIs. However, they are not the best choice for high-security applications because they can be compromised if not stored securely.

  • OAuth: Ideal for situations requiring user authentication and authorization without exposing user credentials. Although it can be challenging to set up, it provides a high level of security, making it suitable for applications accessing user data across multiple services.

  • Basic Auth: This type of authentication is simple. A username and password must be sent with every request. It is best for internal applications or development settings but not recommended for production use due to its minimal security.

  • JWTs: If you need to have stateful sessions or use microservices architecture for secure service-to-service communication, consider using JSON Web Tokens. They help make applications scalable and flexible by providing a good balance between security and complexity.

Why Are API Keys Used?

Security Benefits

API keys provide increased security by allowing service providers to prevent unauthorized access. Requiring an API key with every request helps stop unwanted access and potential data breaches.

Rate Limiting and Usage Tracking

API keys have the important benefit of tracking usage and setting rate limits. Stopping abuse is essential for the service to function properly without affecting performance. Therefore, rate limiting is crucial. Tracking the usage patterns of an API helps providers improve their resource allocation and planning.

API keys play a crucial role in these procedures. They let backend systems recognize the user or application submitting the request and enforce predefined rules on the quantity and frequency of permitted requests. Here’s how this can be visualized:

  • Request Received: The backend system receives a request with an API key.
  • Key Validation: To make sure the API key is registered and active, the system verifies it.
  • Rate Limit Check: The system compares the quantity of requests made using the key to the maximum permitted amount.
  • Usage Logged: The request and key are logged for monitoring and analysis purposes.
  • Access Authorized or Denied: Depending on the results of the investigations, authorization is either granted or denied for the requested information or service.

This process is essential for protecting the security of the service, guarding against abuse, and guaranteeing fair access for all users. Additionally, it helps spot patterns in API usage, which can guide future improvements or changes to rate limits.

How to Obtain and Use an API Key

Getting an API key and utilizing it are simple procedures, including applying for the key, integrating it into your application, and ensuring it is secure by following best practices. Using the Google Maps API as an example, let’s review the process and discuss the best ways to include API keys in your apps.

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Google Maps API Key

  1. Create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Account: Start by visiting the Google Cloud webpage and creating a GCP account. You can sign in with your Google account if you already have one.
  2. Create a New Project: After logging in, use the “New Project” option to start a new project in the console. Give your project a name, then select “Create.”
  3. Enable Google Maps API: Go to the “APIs & Services” dashboard in the GCP Console. Here, select “Enable APIs and Services” and look up “Google Maps API.” After choosing the desired API to use (such as the Maps JavaScript API), click “Enable.”
  4. Generate API Key: After you enable the API, a prompt to create credentials will appear. Tap “Create Credentials” and choose “API key.” After that, GCP will produce a fresh API key for you. Keep this key safe and make a copy of it.
  5. Restrict Your API Key: It is recommended that you limit the use of your API key to particular websites, IP addresses, or mobile apps in order to improve security. Click on your recently generated API key on the API credentials page, then adjust the application limits as necessary.

Best Practices for Integration

  • Secure Key Storage: Never hardcode your API key in your application’s source code. Instead, use environment variables or secure vault services to store your keys. For web applications, consider using backend services to make API requests rather than exposing your API key in client-side code.
  • Key Rotation: Regularly rotate your API keys to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. Google Cloud Platform makes it easy to regenerate keys without disrupting your service.
  • Limit Permissions: Apply the principle of least privilege by restricting what each API key can do. For instance, if an API key is only needed to read a service’s data, ensure it does not have write access.
  • Monitor Usage: Monitor your API key’s usage through the Google Cloud Console. Look out for unexpected spikes in traffic or unauthorized use cases, and revoke access if necessary.
  • Use HTTPS: Always use HTTPS to encrypt requests containing your API key. This prevents attackers from intercepting the key in transit.

Here’s how you can use an API key with Axios in a Node.js application, assuming you’re requesting a Google Maps API endpoint as an example:

const axios = require("axios");

// Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual API key
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
const url = `${apiKey}&callback=initMap`;

  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error fetching data:", error);

Best Practices for Managing API Keys

Here are some strategies and solutions to common challenges in API key management.

Securing API Keys

Use of Environment Variables

It’s important to store API keys in environment variables to keep them secure. This reduces the risk of accidentally exposing them to version control systems by keeping the keys out of your source code. Platforms like Heroku and AWS Elastic Beanstalk support environment variables, making this practice an industry standard.

Key Rotation Policies

It’s important to regularly update API keys to reduce the impact of a compromised key. This can help prevent unauthorized access to your applications. Automated tools or cloud services often provide ways to update keys without causing downtime.

Access Controls

Setting strong access controls for API keys can greatly improve security. This means limiting keys to specific IP addresses, giving each key specific permissions for access, and using HTTPS to encrypt all key exchanges and prevent interception.

Solutions for Common Challenges

  • Key Compromise: If a key is compromised, immediate action is required. Revoke the compromised key, rotate to a new key, and audit logs for unauthorized access. Implementing automated monitoring can help detect unusual patterns indicative of a compromise.
  • Rate Limit Overages: To avoid hitting rate limits, implement caching strategies and optimize API calls to fetch only the necessary data.

Advanced Topics in API Key Management

API Gateways and CI/CD Integration

API gateways are the main entry points for controlling, protecting, and monitoring access to APIs. They are crucial for managing API keys because they centralize authorization and authentication processes. Having a single point of control for rate limiting and access controls makes key administration easier and improves security.

One way to automate key deployment and management is by integrating API key management into CI/CD pipelines. This ensures that API keys are securely provided to the required services and are automatically updated without human involvement. By including key rotation and distribution into the continuous integration and deployment process, organizations can safely update applications and deliver them more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of human error. Tools like HashiCorp Vault demonstrate this concept by integrating with Jenkins or GitHub Actions to automate the generation and renewal of API keys during deployment.

Webhooks and Dynamic Management

You can automate tasks related to managing API keys using webhooks. Webhooks can trigger events, such as API key expiration or revocation, and initiate specified actions in response to these events. For example, when an API key is about to expire, a webhook can instantly alert an administrator or start a key rotation process. This proactive approach allows applications to continue running without needing manual intervention.

Webhooks can significantly improve API key management for a cloud-based application that uses multiple third-party APIs. By configuring webhooks to listen for key expiration notifications from these APIs, the application can automatically request new keys and update its environment variables without downtime or developer involvement. This shows how webhooks can simplify API key maintenance, reduce operational burden, and minimize the risk of service disruptions.

Future Directions

In the future, integrating AI and ML with API authentication will create exciting opportunities. These systems can automatically spot unusual patterns of API access, potentially uncovering security risks or compromised keys. AI can enhance dynamic authentication techniques by adjusting security protocols based on the context of the request, improving user experience and security at the same time.

Furthermore, AI and ML have the potential to revolutionize key management. By using historical data, they can predict when keys might be compromised and initiate key rotation or additional security measures proactively. This proactive approach to API key management could significantly reduce the likelihood of vulnerabilities related to key exposure or misuse.


After carefully reviewing API keys, it’s important to understand their role in protecting web applications and enabling smooth interaction. Proper API key management is crucial for maintaining application security and integrity. This involves securely storing the keys, regularly updating them, and following best practices. API keys highlight the need for proactive security measures and careful management in the digital ecosystem. They are essential for modern web development.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to write them down in the comments section.

Frequently Asked Questions

We got an answer for your questions

  • What is API Key?

    API keys are encrypted/randomly generated sequence of characters generated by an API vendor. API Keys are used to authorising requests to an API.

  • What is Sandbox API Key?

    Some APIs provide a sandbox version of their service, a playground for developers to start using an API without impacting customer data. Sandbox API Key is an API key used to access a sandbox API.

  • What API key should be used for testing purposes?

    It’s best practice to have dedicated API keys for testing and usage in production to minimise the risk of data loss, bugs or undesired behaviour. Most API vendors offer sandbox environments to test APIs, and we recommend leveraging sandbox APIs for testing purposes.

  • What disaster recovery plan means for an API Key?

    Disaster, as far as it’s related to an API key, means your API Key is available to unauthorised people. It’s essential to be able to quickly revoke an API key as soon as it’s leaked. Moreover, you need to update your system ASAP with a new API key to minimise system interruption.

  • Why are API keys necessary?

    API keys are required to guarantee secure access to sensitive data and API-provided functionality. They help prevent API misuse by restricting access to authenticated users only, protecting the API provider's resources and the user's data.

  • How do I obtain an API key?

    Typically, you can receive an API key by making an account on the API provider's platform, developing a new application, and requesting access to the API. The particular stages may differ based on the API provider's procedures.

  • How can I secure my API key?

    To protect your API key, avoid hardcoding it into your application's source code, especially if it is publicly available. Instead, use environment variables or secure vaults to keep them. Implement rate limitation and request origin verification to avoid abuse.

  • Can API keys expire?

    Yes, API keys can expire. API providers can set an expiration date for keys to increase security. It is critical to check the expiration policy of your API provider and renew your keys as needed.

  • What happens if my API key is compromised?

    If your API key has been compromised, immediately revoke it and generate a new one. Contact the API provider if necessary and assess your application's security measures to avoid further intrusions.

  • Is it possible to restrict API key usage?

    Yes, many API providers allow you to restrict API key usage to specific IP addresses, referrer URLs, and endpoints. This adds an extra level of security by limiting API key access to only approved sources.

  • How do API keys differ from OAuth tokens?

    API keys are static and identify the application making the API request, but OAuth tokens are dynamic, allow temporary access, and are used to authenticate and authorize users rather than just the application.

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