
Download Testfully's Desktop apps

Our desktop and web applications offer identical user experience and feature sets. We continue to maintain and extend both apps going plan with no plan to deprecate our web application so picking the desktop or web app is primarily a personal choice. The good thing is that your data is synced between both apps so you can easily switch between them at any time.

Written by Matt Valley
Published On Mon Aug 15 2022
Last Updated Mon Feb 03 2025

TLDR; Testfully offers desktop apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It offers the same functionalities as the web app. As an API client, we highly recommend using our desktop app instead of the web app.

Download the Desktop app

Testfully’s desktop app is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux

  • The Windows app supports Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  • The Mac app supports Mac OS 12, 13, 14 and 15 at the moment with plans to support Mac OS 11 soon.

Please use the below links to download the latest version (1.164.0).

OSSupported versionInstallerDownload (1.166.0)
WindowsWindows 10 & 11 (64-bit only).msiDownload
MacMacOS 12, 13, 14 and 15 (Intel & Sillicon).appDownload
LinuxAll major distros (x86_64 architecture).AppImageDownload

Desktop vs. Web

Our desktop and web applications offer identical user experiences and feature sets. We continue to maintain and extend both apps going forward. That said, if you’re using Testfully as an API Client and have one of the following requirements, we suggest you use the desktop app.

  • Using self-signed SSL certificates

    If you’re building an API and using self-signed SSL certificates, you cannot use Testfully’s web app to send requests to your API endpoints. This is because browser API does not offer a way to disable SSL verification. On the other hand, our desktop app can disable SSL verification when needed.

  • API endpoints without CORS configuration

    Testfully’s web app cannot send requests to API endpoints that have not enabled CORS. This is because Testfully’s web app uses the native browser API that does not offer a way to disable CORS. On the other hand, our desktop app can work with any endpoint.

Installing the Linux app

Testfully app for Linux relies on libfuse2 to work. If you’re getting an error related to fuse2, please install the lib. Ubuntu users, please run sudo apt install libfuse2 to install libfuse2.


Feel free to reach out via our chat box on this page or via support@testfully.io for any technical issues regarding our desktop applications.

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Testfully is a bootstrapped startup from Sydney, Australia.
We're funded by our supportive & amazing customers.

The word `testfully` is a registered trademark of Testfully Pty Ltd.