API Development

REST vs. GraphQL: Unlock the Secret to Choosing the Perfect API for Your Project!

Confused about whether to use REST or GraphQL for your next project? This blog breaks down the key differences, benefits, and drawbacks of each API style to help you make the best choice. Learn when to use REST for simplicity and reliability or GraphQL for flexibility and efficiency. Dive in and discover which API is right for your needs!

Written by Arman
Published On Mon Aug 26 2024
Last Updated Mon Aug 26 2024

REST has been the standard for web APIs for many years, and developers trust it for its simplicity and reliability. It’s well known because it has a straightforward approach to handling requests and returning responses. But in recent years, GraphQL has appeared as a powerful alternative which offers more dynamic way to query data that can be useful in complex applications.

So, how do you decide which one is best for your project? That’s exactly what I’ll explore in this post. We’ll break down the differences between REST and GraphQL, look at their strengths and weaknesses, and help you figure out which one to choose based on your project needs.

What is REST API?

Representational State Transfer, also known as REST, is an architectural style for network applications. It is based on a stateless, client-server communication architecture, where every request a client sends to a server must contain all the information that is needed by the server to respond to that request. REST APIs are widely used because they are easy to develop and scale since they follow web standards.

How REST API Works

With a REST API, clients can use common HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc., to interact with resources on a server. Each resource in a REST API has a URL, and clients can use HTTP methods to perform operations on these resources. For example, a GET request to a URL retrieves data, while a POST request creates new data. One of the fundamental characteristics of REST is that it is stateless. This means that each request from the client must contain all the necessary information to process the request. The server doesn’t keep any session information between requests, which simplifies interactions and enables better scalability.

REST APIs are often designed around CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, which makes it simple for developers to interact with them. REST’s resource-based URL structure and usage of common HTTP methods have helped to increase its popularity.

Advantages of REST API

  • Easy to Understand: REST is easy to learn because it uses standard web protocols and HTTP methods that most developers are already familiar with.
  • Scalable: Because REST is stateless, it’s easier to scale the application as it grows. Each request is independent, which helps when you need to handle a lot of traffic.
  • Flexible: REST can work with different data formats, such as JSON or XML, and can evolve over time without breaking existing functionality.
  • Well-Supported: REST is widely used, so there is a lot of community support, resources, and tools available for developers.

Disadvantages of REST API

  • Over-fetching or Under-fetching Data: Sometimes, REST APIs return more data than you need (over-fetching) or require multiple requests to get all the data (under-fetching). This can lead to inefficiencies, especially in complex applications.
  • Efficiency Concerns: In scenarios where clients need to request related data across multiple endpoints, REST can become less efficient as it requires multiple network requests, which can increase latency.
  • Limited Query Flexibility: While REST is great for straightforward operations, it can be less efficient when you need to perform complex queries, often requiring custom endpoints or query parameters.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a language to query data for APIs and was developed by Facebook in 2012 and made open-source in 2015. Unlike REST, which relies on fixed endpoints and predefined responses, GraphQL allows clients to request exactly the data they need and nothing more. This feature makes GraphQL powerful and useful in situations where you have complex data requirements.

How GraphQL Works

When using GraphQL, you specify exactly what data you need and send a single request to a GraphQL server. Then, the server processes your request and returns only the data that you asked for and nothing more or less, all in one response. But in REST, you might need to send multiple requests to different endpoints to get all the information you need.

GraphQL works with a single endpoint, and the structure of the request is defined by the client, not the server. The client specifies the data it needs using a query language that looks similar to JSON, and the server responds with just that data. With this approach, you won’t face the problem of over-fetching or under-fetching data that you sometimes see in REST APIs.

GraphQL also supports real-time updates using subscriptions, which allow clients to receive updates whenever the data they’ve requested changes. This feature makes GraphQL an excellent choice for applications where data is frequently updated, like social media feeds or live sports scores.

Advantages of GraphQL

  • Accurate Data Fetching: With GraphQL, you get exactly the data you need, nothing more, nothing less. This reduces the amount of data transferred over the network and can improve performance.
  • Single Endpoint: Instead of multiple endpoints, GraphQL uses a single endpoint, which simplifies the API structure and reduces the complexity of making requests.
  • Efficient Data Handling: With GraphQL you can query multiple related resources with a single request and this feature helps in reducing the number of network calls and improving efficiency.
  • Real-Time Updates: By using subscriptions, GraphQL can push updates to clients the as data changes, which makes it useful for real-time applications.
  • Automatic Documentation: Built-in schema discovery and introspection make the API self-documenting, which reduces the need for manual documentation.

Disadvantages of GraphQL

  • Complexity: Although GraphQL is powerful but it can be more complex to set it up and use especially for developers who are new to it.
  • Potential for Overly Complex Queries: Because clients can request any data that they want and need, it is actually possible to create very complex queries which put a heavy load on the server that can lead to performance issues if they’re not managed carefully.
  • Caching Challenges: Unlike REST, which works well with HTTP caching, GraphQL’s flexibility can make caching more difficult. Custom solutions are often needed to handle caching effectively.

REST API vs. GraphQL

When you want to choose between REST and GraphQL, you should consider your project needs. Both of them have their cons and pros, and knowing and understanding them can help you make a better decision. Let’s compare them in different aspects:

Performance and Efficiency

REST: When you are dealing with straightforward and simple requests where the needed data can be fetched from a single endpoint, REST APIs are efficient. However, in cases where multiple requests to different endpoints are required to get all the necessary data, they can become less efficient. This can lead to over-fetching (retrieving more data than needed) or under-fetching (needing multiple requests to get all the required data), which can increase network load and latency.

GraphQL: GraphQL performs better, especially when data requirements are complex. It lets the clients to request exactly the data they need in a single query which reduces the number of network requests and the problem of over-fetching and under-fetching. This feature makes GraphQL useful for mobile applications or situations where network performance is important. However, note that the flexibility of GraphQL queries can lead to performance issues if the server doesn’t handle complex queries properly.

Flexibility and Query Power

REST: When it comes to querying data, REST APIs are less flexible compared to GraphQL APIs. The API defines what data should be returned by each endpoint, which limits the ability to tailor requests to specific needs. When dealing with complex data models or when different clients need different subsets of data, this can be an issue and drawback.

GraphQL: In terms of querying data, GraphQL offers much more flexibility and lets each client request what they need, even sending requests to multiple resources in a single query. This feature makes GraphQL a powerful tool for dealing with complex data and when each client has different needs. It allows changing or developing the schema over time without breaking existing functionality that existing clients use, which can be useful for long-term API maintenance.

Ease of Use and Learning Curve

REST: For those developers who are already familiar with web development, REST is easier to understand because it uses standard HTTP methods, status codes, and conventions that are widely recognized and this makes it easier to implement and debug, especially for simpler use cases or teams that are already familiar with RESTful principles.

GraphQL: Although GraphQL offers more flexibility, it has a steeper learning curve, which is not that hard to handle. Developers need to learn the GraphQL syntax and how to set up a GraphQL server. Writing efficient queries and managing potential performance issues requires a deeper understanding of GraphQL, which can initially make GraphQL more challenging for teams without experience.

Scalability and Caching

REST: It’s easier to implement caching in REST APIs since REST endpoints follow predictable patterns. This can reduce server load and enhance response times for repeated requests. REST’s stateless nature also helps in horizontal scaling, which allows servers to handle more requests by simply adding more instances.

GraphQL: Caching in GraphQL can be harder and more challenging due to its flexible query structure. Because each query can request different data, caching needs to be managed more carefully. Some tools and libraries provide caching solutions, but they require more understanding and setup. Also, GraphQL’s flexibility can make it harder to predict server load, which can complicate scaling.


REST: For REST APIs, you need to manually write detailed documentation using tools like Swagger (OpenAPI) to describe available endpoints, request types and responses.

GraphQL: GraphQL APIs have built-in schema discovery and introspection, which makes the documentation automatic, so there is no need to manually write documentation.

When to Use REST vs. When to Use GraphQL

Both REST and GraphQL have their advantages depending on the context; therefore, choosing between them is not easy. Here’s a guide to help you decide which one might be better based on your needs:

When to Use REST

  1. Simple, Well-Defined Operations: If your API has limited resources and only needs to perform simple CRUD operations, then REST is a good choice because it’s easier to implement and follows well-known conventions.
  2. Strong Caching Requirements: Because of its idempotent requests and predictable URL format, REST can be an excellent option for applications that rely on caching to boost performance and lower server load. REST also works well with traditional HTTP caching methods.
  3. Widespread Adoption and Tooling: REST is widely used, and most developers are familiar with its principles. If your team is already comfortable with REST or your existing structure is built around it, sticking with REST can save time and resources.
  4. Stateless Operations: Because REST is stateless, expanding horizontally by adding more server instances is made simpler. This is especially helpful in cloud settings where scalability is essential.
  5. Public APIs or Microservices: REST is often a better choice for public APIs or microservices where ease of use, simplicity, and the ability to use HTTP status codes and error handling are important.

When to Use GraphQL

  1. Complex, Nested Data Structures: If your application needs to handle complex queries involving multiple related resources, GraphQL’s ability to fetch all the necessary data in a single request can significantly reduce the number of network calls and improve performance.
  2. Customized Data Needs: For scenarios where different clients (like web, mobile, or third-party applications) need different subsets of data, GraphQL allows each client to request exactly what it needs. This eliminates over-fetching or under-fetching data, which is common in REST.
  3. Rapid Iteration and Flexibility: GraphQL’s schema allows for easy evolution without breaking existing clients. This makes it an excellent choice for projects where requirements frequently change or where rapid iteration is required.
  4. Real-Time Data and Subscriptions: GraphQL supports subscriptions, which allows the clients to receive data updates as soon as a change occurs. If your application uses real-time updates, this feature of GraphQL can be useful.
  5. Reduced Network Usage: GraphQL’s ability to limit the data payload by fetching only the data that is needed might be a huge advantage in cases where network performance is a problem, such as mobile applications or low-bandwidth places.


With everything said and mentioned in this blog, choosing between REST and GraphQL ultimately depends on your project’s needs. REST is good for simple, straightforward data requests, but GraphQL offers more flexibility and efficiency for complex data queries with the ability to fetch exactly what is needed in one request. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages, so consider your project requirements, scalability and team expertise to make the best choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

We got an answer for your questions

  • What is the main difference between REST and GraphQL?

    REST uses fixed endpoints and relies on standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations. Each endpoint returns a fixed structure of data. GraphQL, on the other hand, allows clients to request exactly the data they need with a single query to a single endpoint, providing more flexibility and efficiency, especially in handling complex data.

  • Which is easier to learn: REST or GraphQL?

    REST is generally easier to learn for beginners because it uses standard HTTP methods and status codes familiar to most web developers. GraphQL has a steeper learning curve due to its unique query language and server setup requirements, but it offers greater flexibility once mastered.

  • Can I use both REST and GraphQL in the same project?

    Yes, it's possible to use both REST and GraphQL in the same project. Some teams use REST for simpler, more straightforward operations and GraphQL for more complex data-fetching needs. This hybrid approach allows you to use the strengths of both technologies.

  • How does caching work differently in REST and GraphQL?

    REST benefits from built-in HTTP caching mechanisms due to its use of standard HTTP methods and predictable URLs. GraphQL's flexible queries can make caching more challenging, as different queries might require custom caching strategies. Tools like Apollo Client offer solutions to manage caching in GraphQL effectively.

  • Which API style is better for mobile applications: REST or GraphQL?

    GraphQL is often better for mobile applications because it allows clients to fetch only the data they need in a single request, reducing the amount of data transferred and improving performance. This is particularly beneficial in mobile environments where network efficiency is crucial.

  • What are the performance considerations when using GraphQL?

    While GraphQL can be more efficient in terms of data fetching, it also has potential performance pitfalls. Complex or unoptimized queries can lead to heavy server loads, which may impact performance. Proper query optimization and server-side performance monitoring are essential when using GraphQL.

  • Which API style should I choose for a public API?

    REST is typically preferred for public APIs because it is simple, widely understood, and easier to secure and document. REST's predictable structure and standard use of HTTP methods and status codes make it a more straightforward choice for public-facing services.

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