Blog / New Features

Work on your tests faster & easier

Less is more so we decided to combine 3 different screens into one screen and give you a faster, better and easier way to manage folders and test cases that does not require context switching.

Written by Matt Valley
Published On Sun Feb 21 2021
Last Updated Sun Feb 21 2021

Tests are the core concept in Testfully and today we’re releasing a brand new UI to manage folders and tests under one screen. With the introduction of the new UI, we have also retried the below three UIs from Testfully and they’re no longer available to our users:

  • Interface for adding a new test / editing an existing team
  • Interface for listing existing test
  • Interface for managing folders

Using the new interface you can:

  • Create a new folder, rename or delete existing folders
  • Switch between folders and browse test cases in any of folders
  • Switch between tests
  • Run, duplicate or delete any test cases
  • Access past runs of a test

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Testfully is a bootstrapped startup from Sydney, Australia.
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